Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog Uses

  • What do you plan to use your class blog for?  And did you have any specific questions you’d like to ask about how you are planning to use your class blog?


  1. I plan on using my blog for posting projects that we will be working on, and creating discussion about specific aspects of our projects that we will be building. I feel like my initial questions have been answered today.

  2. Truthfully, I am still struggling as to how I will use blogs. Most of my static information is contained in a website. I guess I could show video or have audio clips that can be listened to. My main questions focused around embedding information. I guess if I were to ask questions, they would be centered around what capabilities does blogging have. How is blogging being used by others.

  3. I plan on using my blog to keep communication between home and school open. I plan on using this blog as a weekly reflection of life in kindergarten. I will also provide links to help the students become successful learners. I would like this blog to serve as guidance for kindergarten parents by giving them the opportunity to post questions, comments, and observations.

    Eventually, it will be nice to have students post sentences as the year progresses!

    I definitely want to learn how to provide a link to this blog on my classroom website.

  4. I will use my class blog primarily as a mechanism for gathering reflections/responses on specific questions, topics, or materials. I have always had a daily question, either at the start or finish of class, and I want all of the responses to be done electronically next year. I will also link to articles and a digital text that I will want students to make comments about. It will also be a forum for ongoing debates such as the morality of strategic bombing or rights to land in Israel.

  5. I have a specific time (afternoon) once a week where I have a big chunk of time to access the MacBook laptops. I have a wonderful volunteer that assists at that time who is extremely well versed in technology. My goal is to somehow merge the classroom blog with the new content standards in some way, possibly Math. I see kiddos creating their own blog sites that are accessed through our class site. Maybe taking concepts and teaching others. I really wanted to make sure I can link my Blog to my school Web page that is on our school web site. Thank you.

  6. I plan on using my class blog to track my journey during the week of cycle Oregon. I will ask kids to post comments and have the sub track the route on a class map.

    This will be followed by posting homework assignments on my blog, having kids post their writing, possibly using forms for students and exploration of other ideas as I see what teachers are doing out there.

    At this point I don't have questions, I just need to explore.

  7. I'm planning on using my blog as a more convenient way for students and parents to access assignments, keep track of due dates, and review current progress in my classes. The classes I will be teaching next year are primarily for students with disabilities and will focus on proficiency in certain skills. Many of my students may work at different paces and it's important for them to have access to a new set of materials or assignments as they progress.

    My questions revolve around embedding documents, calendars, forms and links for my students to have easy access to all those materials. So far I've been getting great info.


  8. I plan on using my blog primarily as an opportunity for students to write and to check in with me regarding their understanding of class curriculum.

    I will also use it along with my web site as a communication tool.

  9. I do not have a classroom, however in my future classroom I definitely plan to create a blog. Being able to add my ability to create classroom blogs to my resume and discuss technology skills in interviews will help my job prospects. I don't have any questions at this time, but probably will this evening. I am learning so much!!
