Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Exit Slip July 30

  • What aspects of class and or student blogging did you struggle with today?  What went well? What could be improved upon?


  1. I don't think I really struggled with any of the material that was introduced today. My struggle is with how to implement blogging in my classes or theatre productions. Due to the fact that I took the class on creating a web site a couple of years ago, I come back to that format and organizational model. I lean toward a source of information on the web rather than an avenue of conversation between people.

    The one difficulty I had was deleting the "pages" we created yesterday, to enable a "links" gadget in it's place. My solution was to move the pages to the side in the dashboard settings section. This opened up the area to a "links" gadget.

    I am pleased with the relaxed environment and availability of the teacher. (How can anyone say that class size does not make a difference in learning?)

    1. What aspects of class and or student blogging did you struggle with today? What went well? What could be improved upon?

      I don't feel like I struggled as much today as yesterday, but the same issue remains, I just need time and patience with my lack of vocabulary of blogging to be able to get back to the areas that I was on today.

      For me personally, looking at others blogs and having time to do some of the activities was helpful. As educators, it is always time and that continues to be an issue for us instituting new content. I think I know where I want to go with this, but time in the classroom with all the other required curriculum we are faced with is where I need to continue to wrap my head around in my quest to move forward with blogging in the classroom.

      I want more help with having my phone post. This is something I will really want to do when I am posting during Cycle Oregon.

      I also want to know how to post on youtube. I can see where I may do some footage from Cycle Oregon that I will want to post on my blog. I would also like to see the kids post on the blog as well.

      Finally, I continue to struggle with how to get the kids to answer the questions I will post, like you have with this exit ticket. I know this will be easier for me as the week progresses, but if I was asked to do this tomorrow, I think I would be at a loss at this point.

      Now, to go back up and proofread my work so I don't post this with the grammar errors like I did yesterday.

    2. I understand your struggle with trying to figure out how to use blogging in Theater Arts. Sometimes classes lend themselves to blogging and sometimes they don't.

      I too found that replacing the page gadget with a link list gadget is a bit tricky. I'm glad you found a solution.

      I love the class size too as well as the members. It's a great group of people :)

  2. I don't think I really struggled today. I just need more time understanding copyright and how I cite people whose material I use on my blog.

    Today I am feeling even more confident in maneuvering around in my blog faster! I appreciate the time we have to design and cruise around our blog. I am excited to learn even more things that I can put on the blog. I am sure when school starts I will have a lot more photos and pics to embed. Again, I really want to link this blog on my district web page.

    1. Sorry Natalie, I didn't get to show you add to add a link to your blog on your website today. I'll make sure to do this tomorrow.

  3. I feel much more confident about blogging. My main issue right now is still the logistics of it all. I have 6 blogs that I will need to figure out how to run at the same time.

    I really appreciate the lesson idea that you presented ta the end of the class as it is a real issue in my class. I will be using your lesson, with permission, in my own class.

    Jill rocks!

  4. The main thing that was difficult for me today was figuring out how to create the labels for my blog. I did get it figured out, but it took a little thinking to get it. Now that I have that it expands what I can use my blog for even more. What I think is coming along well for me is the different sections of my blog that I have made. With all the pages I have, it is going to be a great tool in an art class. My biggest concern at this point is how do I get my 200+ pottery students to know how to use it and use it on a regular basis.

    1. I'm glad that you figured out how to create labels. They're a key part of viewing your blog posts effectively. I'm excited to check out your final blog. Artistic people always make great blogs and sites.

      Getting students trained in using it effectively takes time and patience. You are one of the pioneers in using this medium in education so it will be a bit of a work in progress.

  5. I feel much more comfortable today than I did yesterday. I know it is a work in progress and there is so much to learn! It's just a matter of finding/taking the time to sit down, play, and create.

    This will be a new grade level for me this year, so I'm sure I'll be making changes once I become more immersed in the curriculum and the life of kindergarten!

    I love how you are so available for us and are willing to structure the class to fit our needs.

    Some things I would like to learn and add to my site:
    *how to download pictures from my phone; I've created two slide shows (I have no idea where those pictures came from); I'd like to add class pictures from my phone to the shows.
    *embed a calendar to my site
    *add tutorial videos

    1. Thanks for the kind words Angie. I like how you ask me questions that encourage me to learn more and broaden my understanding.

      I'll look into adding pictures from your phone and embedding calendars tonight. Towards the end of the week, we'll demo how to create online tutorials.

  6. The difficulty I had today were the few times technology didn't behave as I commanded it. I really struggled getting gadgets onto my a page. I first thought it was the layout I'd used, but then was finally able to refresh page and move forward. This pushed me behind a little.
    Then I was held up because I wasn't originally on list of contributors. When Jill and I corrected that, I was able to catch up. This reminds me how frustrating technology can be.

    1. Thanks for being patient when things don't work. I know how frustrating it can get. I'm glad we were able to fix things and that you hung in there and caught up!

  7. Well, I think I got a grasp of most of it Jill, however I also think I may have screwed up the part about the labeling and separate classroom blogs issue. I think I may have forgot to save what I was doing at one point and so I migh have to come back to it with you tomorrow.

    The whole copyright issue is somewhat mind blowing. With print material it used to be cut and dried. The same principles should apply with electronic media. I guess the fact that there is so much of it coming at us is what can make it a little overwhelming.

    1. Managing different classes with blogs seems to be a pain and I haven't found a really clean way to do it but I'm still on the prowl. I'll help you fix things tomorrow. Please call me over to remind me.

      Yes copyright is an issue and ever changing. Once information is electronic, piracy issues exponentially increase. Media companies are trying hard to figure out how to protect their content.

  8. I'm still struggling with creating my blog site. Technology is not my greatest strength, yet I want to create a blog that is visually appealing and contains relevant content. I'm not pleased with mine today, however I'm hoping by the end of the week I will have developed a blog that is "good enough" but will evolve into something that I am proud of. I'm unsure of posting videos and pictures but will try to do some of that this evening.

    I have a greater understanding of how a page works due to the time spent explaining this concept today. It helped to post a response to the Cook's Source article and make a mistake by trying to post to the comment section.

    Here are the questions I have:
    How to use the video widget? Do I need it? How to post videos from you tube?
    Do I need Picasso for uploading pictures, how does it work? It seems easier use than I photo?
    Are there other applications I should download to enhance the blog?

    Thank you so much, I am certainly enhancing my technology skills in this class!

    1. I tend to be a perfectionist and try to fight that instinct when I'm learning to create a blog and/or a site. It's more important to figure out what you are trying to achieve, develop something that meets your needs, and pilot it in one class. Keeping things as simple as possible is a good idea.

      We can review adding a picture and a video to a post tomorrow.

      The video widget lets you add a video to your home page (either on the sidebar or somewhere else that is not in a post). You probably don't need it.

      It looks like pictures can be uploaded from a variety if sources (file, google+, phone). We'll need to play with it in class.

      I would keep it simple and only add functionality to your blog if you've identified a need for something new.

  9. I'm bummed that I wasn't able to make it in today and troubleshoot with Jill to help. I took a good amount of time this afternoon to work on my blog some more and feel that I am getting a better understanding on how to control the content and navigate the use of my blog more easily.

    Today I am wrestling with copyright and how to manage student posts most effectively. I also am struggling with how to use my blog in a easy and practical way that will enhance the learning environment in my class. I have a game plan, but it still needs some fine tuning.

    My big question revolves around the ability for students to contribute to the blog without having a computer handy. I understand that most have smartphones which could be used for posts,I do have about 6 computers in my class, but still wonder if there are other ways to interact with the blog. I'm still struggling with widgets and posting links to documents through the blog (I think I may have to have a website connected to it that hosts all that stuff).

    Looking forward to class tomorrow.

    1. You'll need some digital tool to blog (phone, laptop, tablet). We talk about the ability to check equipment out from the district today in class too.

      I'll check in with you tomorrow to see how things are going.
