Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What We Did In Class Today

Here is what we did in class today.....
  • Added a link to your blog on your web page
  • Added a link to your web page on your blog
  • Set up how to add a picture to a blog post from your phone
  • Created a form for student email info and included it in a student info post on our blogs
  • Added our classmates as contributors to our blogs and asked 2 people to post to our blog
  • Added 2 classmates blogs to our blogroll
  • Watched the Creative Commons Assignment video and talked about cc licenses
  • Added a cc license to our blog using the creative commons web site.
  • Added all out gmail accounts to our blog as admin
  • Used to add a widget to your blog
  • Learned about to add widgets using the HTML/javascript gadget
  • Filled out an exit slip at the end of class

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